Our strength lies in the value we attach to organic philosophy, which we have always valued.
We have chosen to be organically verified and certified by an independent forum such as Austria Bio Garantie, the most important certification body in Austria and internationally recognized. In order to obtain, certify and market organic products bearing specific labels and logos, manufacturers must go through a strict process that must be followed exactly, throughout the product.
These certifications are approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in order to carry out the inspection and certification of organic agri-food products on the Romanian territory, in accordance with art. 27 of Regulation (EC) no. 834/2007 and the provisions of the Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development no. 895/2016.
All our products are marked with the sign of superior quality of this important inspection and certification body, RO ECO – 18. The harmony and passion of our employees, who work with care and dedication, guarantee the qualification and trust that our company enjoys.
The most famous logo for BIO products is the one in the form of a green rectangle, witha a stylized image of a leaf, outlined by 12 stars. This is the BIO logo used by the Member States of the European Union, and it is mandatory for prepacked food and is accompanied by the indication of the place of production of agricultural raw materials, the inspection code and certification body together with the words “EU Agriculture” or “Agriculture outside the EU ”(Non-EU Agriculture).
Consumers who buy products with the national logo and the Community logo can be confident that at least 95% of the product’s ingredients have been obtained in accordance with the organic production method and that the product complies with organic production rules.
Due to the constant search for high quality raw materials and meticulous quality control, Pura Agro offers companies and customers oils 100% from organic ingredients, produced in Romania.
We try to promote the concept of organic farming in order to help develop organic farming and make consumers aware of the benefits of consuming organic products. Thus, they can offer a higher price for clean products, whose quality is guaranteed by an inspection and certification system.
The role of the organic farming system is to produce cleaner food, more suitable for human metabolism, in full harmony with the conservation and development of the environment. The main goal is the production of fresh and authentic agri-food products that respect the natural and environmental factors.
Pura Agro keeps its promise to produce the healthiest oils and flours, both organic and natural, by using the most modern and efficient production techniques.